Early Finish

On Friday 18th December we will be closing at 1pm.
Many of you will have heard in the news that the Department of Education has suggested that schools may close early and use Friday 18th December as an INSET day. Unfortunately, due to this very late announcement it is difficult for schools to reschedule INSET days. As a result, some schools are remaining open whilst some close.
Having consulted with governors, we have decided to remain open on Friday 18th December until 1pm but there will be no afternoon childcare provided on this day. We are sending this information out as soon as possible so that parents that do make use of this can make alternative childcare arrangements. We, like you, are trying very hard to respond quickly to changing requirements and to take into account the needs and safety of our whole school community.
I would also like to take this opportunity to request that, should your child develop symptoms within two days of their last day in school, that you access a test via one of the drive-in centres as soon as possible. If your child tests positive, please contact us via our email as soon as possible - office@terrington-st-clement.norfolk.sch.uk. School staff will monitor this account at regular intervals each day for 6 days after we close in line with government expectations. However, non-urgent emails will not be responded to until we return.
Thank you for your support and understanding over what has been a very ‘different’ year.